I am a third-year college student studying BS in Electronics Engineering at Mariano Marcos State University and I have a passion for arts and graphic design.
This passion sparked during my high school years but I only got serious about it when I was in my first year of college. The whole thing started with me being a part of my school’s publication as a graphic artist. This is where I was assigned to create illustrations for literary pieces and social media banners.
I have an interest in photography and photo manipulation as well but I am still working on my skills and I wish to have my very first camera soon.
To be honest, I am an introverted person. I spend most of my time in my room, and whenever I’m free, I like to create art, particularly digital art. I have some of my works posted on my Instagram page.
I don’t have a job yet but I am planning to start doing commissions very soon. As of now, I am still in the process of setting up my portfolio, rates, and everything.
Since I’m an artist and a graphic designer, I wanted to have a space where I could feel inspired and motivated to create something. I started building my desk setup, I think, in January 2019.
Christian’s first setup from 2019
I wouldn’t say that there were some issues with my desk setups from the past few years. It’s just that I watch a lot of desk setup tour videos and I follow a lot of desk setup pages on Instagram and then when I see someone’s setup that I really like, I try to make my setup just like theirs.
Another reason why I changed my setup a few times is that I didn’t have an actual plan before. I mean I just put my table at a certain part of my room, installed some shelves on the wall, and added some random stuff up there. I loved it but then as months passed by, I felt like I needed to change it again. I don’t know but I think I have commitment issues. Haha!
In truth, I was frustrated before because I didn’t have the means to buy the things that I want to add to my desk since I am still a student and my only source of money is my allowance and savings. Also, we aren’t rich.