Budget Study Setup in the Philippines

Name: Christian Realin

Location: Ilocos Sur, Philippines

Occupation: Student

Room size: 4,6 m2 (50 ft²)

Cost of the setup: $640

Social media: personal Instagram and art Instagram

Hey, Christian! Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a third-year college student studying BS in Electronics Engineering at Mariano Marcos State University and I have a passion for arts and graphic design.

This passion sparked during my high school years but I only got serious about it when I was in my first year of college. The whole thing started with me being a part of my school’s publication as a graphic artist. This is where I was assigned to create illustrations for literary pieces and social media banners.

I have an interest in photography and photo manipulation as well but I am still working on my skills and I wish to have my very first camera soon.

To be honest, I am an introverted person. I spend most of my time in my room, and whenever I’m free, I like to create art, particularly digital art. I have some of my works posted on my Instagram page.

I don’t have a job yet but I am planning to start doing commissions very soon. As of now, I am still in the process of setting up my portfolio, rates, and everything.

Study Setup - Maker Stations
Desk and study space inspiration ideas for more productive learning.

Can you describe your home setup?

Item Model
Laptop ASUS
Laptop dock DIY
Wooden desk shelf DIY

Since I’m an artist and a graphic designer, I wanted to have a space where I could feel inspired and motivated to create something. I started building my desk setup, I think, in January 2019.

Christian’s first setup from 2019

I wouldn’t say that there were some issues with my desk setups from the past few years. It’s just that I watch a lot of desk setup tour videos and I follow a lot of desk setup pages on Instagram and then when I see someone’s setup that I really like, I try to make my setup just like theirs.

Another reason why I changed my setup a few times is that I didn’t have an actual plan before. I mean I just put my table at a certain part of my room, installed some shelves on the wall, and added some random stuff up there. I loved it but then as months passed by, I felt like I needed to change it again. I don’t know but I think I have commitment issues. Haha!

In truth, I was frustrated before because I didn’t have the means to buy the things that I want to add to my desk since I am still a student and my only source of money is my allowance and savings. Also, we aren’t rich.