Hey! My name is Joel, and I’m a third-year Energy engineering student at the University of Applied Sciences.
My studies mainly focus on energy production, delivery, and storage methods, along with energy efficiency, hydrogen economy, and carbon dioxide recovery.
I finished my earlier ICT degree in 2013, where I think my interest in PCs and setups comes from.
During the seven years between my studies, I worked mainly in the technology industry.
In my teenage years and early adulthood, I was lost.
I didn’t have a plan for the future.
I lived a carefree and wild youth and wasn’t interested in getting an education, as I didn’t feel competent or smart enough.
I drowned my feelings and tried to pretend they weren’t there.
Although my life and feelings didn’t change immediately, I started working on myself and heading in the right direction.
I believe my turning point came in early 2017 when I met my partner.
For the first time ever, I felt loved despite my incompleteness and was accepted just the way I was.
In 2020, my partner and I bought our first rowhouse (55 m2), and since then, we’ve acquired two cats and a dog (Elsa).
Now, the house is getting quite small for all of us!