Minimalist Monochrome Desk Setup in Heidelberg, Germany

Name: Marc

Location: Heidelberg, Germany

Occupation: Project Manager (Product/Marketing)

Room size: 11 m² (118 ft²)

Cost of the setup: ~$6K (including PC, keyboard, chair, etc.)

Social media: Instagram

Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself

Hey all, and thanks for reading about me and my setup! My name is Marc.

I’m a Project Manager for marketing and product development related topics.

After working freelance for around four years, I recently switched back to regular employment.

Now I work within a steady team and focus on specific projects/products, rather than collaborate with different clients all the time. It’s refreshing to be employed again and get all these employee benefits.

Currently, I’m working for a large asset manager in Germany; hence I’m based in the finance industry.

The Anglepoise lamp was invented in 1932 by a British designer George Carwardine

Besides working, I like to spend my days gaming, watching shows, meeting friends or spending quality time with my girlfriend.

Also, I just recently started to be more involved in photography after purchasing the Fujifilm X-T30.

Despite not really being able to right now, I also enjoy travelling and exploring new places (like many people probably).

I’ve been lucky enough to spend around 14 days in Tokyo in March 2020, just before the pandemic hit.

I can’t wait to go back there.

Japan has always been one of my dream destinations. Being there sparked my interest in exploring the country even more.

Plus, Tokyo is a superb place for street photography — highly recommended.

Take us through your setup

Item Model
Monitor Gigabyte G34WQC
Monitor mount Invision MX450
CPU Intel i5-11400
GPU GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
Motherboard ASRock H570 Steel Legend
RAM G.Skill Aegis DDR4-3200 16GB
Case NZXT H510
Storage Samsung EVO SSD + Crucial NVMe
Laptop MacBook Air M1 (not on my desk)
Charging pad Native Union Drop XL
Headphones Sennheiser HD 560S
Keyboard Mode65
Mouse Logitech MX Master 3
Chair Herman Miller Embody
Desk mat ULX (vegan leather)
Lamp Anglepoise Type 75 Mini
Web camera Logitech C925E
Notebook SMYTHSON Panama Cross-Grain Leather Notebook
Picture The Poster Club

I’m a very clean person in general, so I like to keep all things I use tidy at all times. This especially includes my car, home and, of course, my setup.

So, when building my workspace, I had subtle colours, clean lines, only the essentials (while still adding some personal touch) and quality over quantity in mind.

Marc’s custom tabletop was made by a German cabinet maker. “I liked the thought of adding some traditional craftsmanship to my setup while also supporting local artisans”

I enjoy going for subtle colours as soothing to look at and easier to combine. As a fan of dark colours, I also wanted to include a lot of black and dark elements.

Therefore, I started to add more black & dark grey items from time to time while looking for higher quality brands as much as possible.

Generally, one main goal was to stay clutter-free and not add anything that I won’t frequently need, while neither going for too many design accessories.

A plant and the picture (November, by Lena Wigers) are all I need to add some personal touch but still keep things rather minimal.