This is always the hardest question to answer. But let’s try:
My name is Nuria Quero. I work as a freelance designer focused on UX design for interactive experiences and games through the web, AR & emerging tech.
Although I’m originally from Barcelona, I spent over six years in London, which still feels like a second home to me.
However, when my in-laws retired and moved to the countryside during the pandemic, we decided to return to Spain in February 2021.
It was a difficult choice because we love London — and we’ll probably go back at some point — but with both of us working from home, having a lower rent and more space was too tempting to resist.
My daily work can vary quite a lot, but I work with design studios and agencies defining the user experience for immersive experiences.
While I’ve worked on numerous augmented reality projects, I’m always keen to experiment with new technologies and design better experiences for everyone.
As a freelancer, I’m fortunate to learn from a variety of teams and use that experience and knowledge to create unique projects.
Currently, my only side project is my YouTube channel, where I aim to demystify what it means to be a freelancer in the tech industry.
Additionally, I coordinate Lovers Magazine, an online publication that showcases designers from around the world.
My journey as a freelancer started in 2020 in a tiny flat in London, working on the tiniest desk. Just my laptop and me.
When we moved to this flat in Barcelona, we knew right away this room would be the office space.
Me and my husband both work from home, so although this room was initially intended to be the master bedroom, it didn’t make any sense to use it as that.
It’s the brightest room in the flat, and working with natural light, it’s just a non-negotiable.
In terms of my setup, the first thing I got was the monitor and the chair, and I built up from there.
There has been a great deal of change since February 2021.
We got larger desks, a proper monitor arm, a keyboard & mouse, and a few more things.
But in reality, my desk setup is not very fancy. I’ve just got things as I needed them.